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10:09 p.m. - 2010-11-29
Mixed emotions...
Did you ever have so many emotions swirling about that you can't think what to write first? Oh, I know, List Form takes care of that quite nicely, doesn't it?!

1. I feel a bit crap because I have misplaced a key. Not really important, I can get along without it, but it does make me feel a prat. And I do like to tie up loose ends and have questions answered, so there will be that niggling until I get a replacement. BAH!

2. I shopped for our Christmas Child tonight. I feel so incredibly guilty these days. There is so much need and there is only so much that one person can do. I prayed for guidance before I shopped, and I think that what I bought will be useful...but still, knowing that all of that want is out there...I hope that the wee girls like them.

3. I kept getting things wrong this evening, like spoiling the broccoli so that I had to re-do it all, but I kept my perspective and all that that involves. I really hope that I can keep up the new ways.

4. Every so often I revert to default thinking of the old ways, but I know that that way doesn't lead to happiness, so I manage to reset. It is true, there is a loose end here and there (where is that damned KEY??!!!) but the world still spins, so...

5. SO I suppose that I don't actually have to know everything and get everything right. There is a certain freeing-ness to letting things go!

6. Also, in letting Ned do more, things have become quite awesome. I really don't want to ruin that somehow. I mean to say, I don't want to forget the good lessons learnt.

7. I sound a perfect skipping CD these days, do I not?

8. Tomorrow I get that dental work done...eeek! I know, it will be all fine, but it makes me a bit nervous because I have never had major things done like that. Still, good to be able to take care of things...

9. Well, at least I get a haircute tomorrow as well!

10. Three lovely dresses arrived today for me. Hooray!

11. Perhaps I will make some freezing young hearts beat a bit faster when I mention that I have discovered that a hockey garter belt is absolutely fabulous for keeping up my veree long stockings and socks. I wonder why I never did think of it before...

12. Still time for a Christmas card from the Della Bon Bons. Just leave me your snail mail...yap...yap...yap...

12.75 Beanie, I will get that recipe to you soonishly. I won't forget, but it will deffo take me a few days to do it...

14. And oh, speaking of loose ends, natch, the cat is out and won't ask to come in until I am off to ned. Bastard...because he is right outside, I can hear his bell. But he is deffo as stubborn as I am...

15. After some textos and some editing here, (because I really do edit, even with all of the typos that remain!) The Cat is In. I feel better when he comes in at night because then I know that he is not off robbing banks or jewelry stores or something like that...

16. Oh, here is something silly---I do like after Thanksgiving here when it is dead easy to get turkey thighs at the grocery. I like to put them in the crockpot. The sloooow cookah...I know, damned carnivores...

All right, smoochies to you all!


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