
swimmmy - 2010-11-30 04:55:02
re: #5. In what might be news, I have a bit of border collie in me too. More of a former trait, and yep, the letting go was quite liberating! Also, when I had cats - 3 of them at one point - I stressed about them being outside at night. Darn stubborn, they can be. XOXO :)
fightn4life - 2010-11-30 18:12:22
Oh life is one big lose end...trying to get it together as I write. :) Loved your list...just might write one for me...possibilities are endless. I suppose that is a good thing. Sandyz
beanie - 2010-11-30 23:05:57
Take your time, Feef. All good things come to those who wait. Heh.
Bluey - 2010-12-01 01:09:06
You're funny, Fifi. I hope you can relax. No need to be perfect all of the time. I've been enjoying living by that rule, although it's difficult at times. (Although I have discovered that I even like to be complete crap sometimes! Whee!!) Today, for example, I did something that was of a rare medium quality for me. But after I did it and my boss suggested some revisions, and I left work, I actually felt a huge sense of satisfaction for not killing myself over something that really wasn't that important. I knew that my boss would have better ideas on that one and so ultimately I passed it over to him. That's what you're supposed to do! Just an example. :) I wish you all the best with your dental work and I am very glad that you had a happy T-g. And yum to the turkey in the crock pot! XX

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