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11:08 p.m. - 2011-11-04
It's all brill, wot?!
1. Book Club was quite nice, although smaller than usual.

2. Apparently I have broken my vow of "NEVAAAH!" as I have downloaded some books onto the ipad.

3. Dag, I love that thing.

4. Some Jane Austen and an Amish romance.

5. Yes, really!

6. I am waiting for my brilliant friend Elisabetta to finds this. She found the LJ one but Statcounter says not this one yet.

7. You would love her. She is not only superintelligent and talented, but she is witty and fun as well.

8. She sails boats all over!

9. She is also extremely well dressed.

10.If I didn't like her so much, I might be jealous!

11. Have I mentioned that I've started Pilates? It is BRILL! I will have inner thighs that I can crack nuts between.

12. Also, it doesn't hurt.

Ecks Oh!


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