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1:28 p.m. - 2011-09-08
I don't know...what do you think?

INteresting day so far...

Early on I heard Homer fewkin' about outside with his wellies on, so I decided to check in on our basement. Well, it looked a bit more damp, actually wet, so I asked Ned to take a look. And then we checked the river forecast which had been raised by 4 ft during the night. Hmm...not good...

SO we took up the laundry machines and did a wee bitty clearing, just what we thought we could rescue, because there isn't much there any more because of Irene.

Biba had gone to school, and I was just ready to go to Orkplace, but I decided to take one last check downstairs. And lo and behold (I do love that word "lo", don't you?!) there was a small lake in the basement. The pump had failed! (Cue the groans and "oh, no" of sympathy.)

Ned and I went to a plumbing supply company and they had reserved a pump for us. Submersible, 1/3 horsepower. Now our old pump was a real workhorse, but I believe it to be a minimum of 35 yeas old. But I had always wondered worriedly what we would do if it failed. Now we know! The new pump was set up and dropped down the hole, and Lo! It worked!

And what really left me gobsmacked was that it cleared about 5cm roughly of water all over the floor in about 15 or 20 minutes. I am still quite stunned at the work power of that pappy.

So don't fear change. To freeze in fear and cling to the old and familiar but failing, it is almost to embrace death.

Also, Ned and I came up with anew term. Rabbit Brain. It is when my brain hops so fast from place to place that no one could ever keep up. Deffo not a good mode for planning...

All right, I'm off to buy water wings and swim fins...actually there are rumours of a restock of battery backup pumps and I am off to see if it is true. We learn more each time and do better each time. Uh HUH!


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