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8:11 a.m. - 2010-12-30
Time to get to work!
Secret Breakfast Club! Deee-licious! I could just go in for the toast---like, four pieces! Well, can't forget the coffee...

I am packing up all things that guests have left behind. It will make for a nice trip to the post, to get them all sent. Also, I have my organic farmshare application all set to go as well. This year there will be only me, no share partner. I am also getting thank you notes penned in a slightly haphazard way. Yay, me!

Today is a lunch out day. I really won't have an appetite yet, but it is apparently important to one of the people that I am there, so I shall go. Besides, the food is excellent, and I can always take it away for later.

We are to have a heat wave today! It will get up to 38 degrees F! Can you believe it! I'm breaking out the shorts and sandals! That is Fahrenheit was in the teens this morning. Mr. Dog did not actually get a Freezy Paw, so that was good.

Well, I've got a million things to do today, so I am off. A brilliant, sparkly day to you all!


Cavalry - Apache

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