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8:56 p.m. - 2010-12-08
I am all arsy-tipsy right now. All over the map...I suppose that what I am doing is trying intensely not to be so intense! Hurr hurr hurr...

List Form? Why ever not?

1. I have named my temporary crown Jessica Simpson because it is big, white and slightly out-of-place...

2. We have had lovely snow flurries! Reeeallly a mood brightener!

3. I am listlessly making preps for the party on Sunday. I'm not really worried, though, because this is the way that it always happens...

4. Yoga last night was lovely. This class is where I get the real basics, which I need, and also lots of alignment. I am so glad to have found this studio!

5. At the end, we do this thing called "corpse pose" and that just really cracks my shizz up! I'd sooner call it "jellyfish" except that I am not quite that relaxed.

6. After class there was the holiday bazaar to see. It was totally brill! There was so much talent on one space that it would boggle the mind.

7. Also, FRIENDS!!! SO many friends were there with lovely things to buy etc. but the best part was seeing them again! Which reminds me, I have to drop Haggis a line. Back in a tick!

*. Done, and done!

9. Does everybody love the Edmund Scientific catalogue as much as I do?

10. Also Archie McPhee. Because I am really a 14-year-old boy!

11. Not really, but if I were, I'd be brill!

12. Don't know why, but I always find List Form to be quite soothing. I actually used it at Orkplace today.

12.75 Ned and I had Piraat beer tonight. We kept making "arrrh" noises to each other.

14. Eh, I might go get some sleep. I am 3/4 done with Christmas shopping. I could sleep...

15. OH! But I have finished the last of the Millenium series. Veree glad to have done so. The first was horrific, but the next two were easier.

Ecks Oh!


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