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7:58 p.m. - 2010-03-01
First off...
Ana, the fluffybunny elephant is not human sized, but it drapes across the shoulders in a nice roomy way. I should try it now. I think that I will! Oh! Oh, this is divine! It smells heavenly as well!

Well, today much ork was done. Also I discovered that the seminar that I am hosting may well take place whilst I am on holiday. Well, I CAN project well, but I don't think that I could holla across the sea. Ocean, whatever it is. I always call it the sea, but I get corrected a LOT!

Biba went to an ice skating party yesterday. She had lot of fun and did fairly well for someone who was prone on the ice most of the time. But she said that she had a wonderful time and still wants to try "to skate on one foot" so...

I don't have too much to say. I am totally dehydrated. Oh, but we finally downloaded 700+ pics from the camera, 5 or so which are good, so perhaps I will remember to load them here to share. We have good Hallowe'en pics from 2008. How's THAT for procrastination!


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