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4:45 p.m. - 2010-02-06
We got...
about a foot of snow. They got just over 2 ft in Philly. I was the one who dug the cars out this time because I wanted to express appreciation for Ned, who has done it the last few times. Forch, I am friends with one of the PW dudes (he likes to hug me so that he can indirectly feel the cakes) and he was driving the plow, so he partially unblocked us.

The storm itself was largely missed by us. Ned probably drove home in it. It started at ten-ish. Ned says yes, he did indeed drive home in it but it wasn't bad yet. Oh, I forgot to ask if they were glorious. He says yes, they were glorious but nobody cared. Big crowds but largely indifferent. One Steve Earl fan and one GBS fan sang along. (Ned it is totally giving an in-depth report now because he knows I am writing about it.) He says the ride home was on largely deserted and he experienced the most desolate stretch of road that he's ever experienced bar one. It was the last 2 mi before our exit. I call that place The Place Where it Snows When it Isn't Snowing Anywhere else. Because it snows there when it isn't snowing anywhere else. Ned says that he felt as if he was the only vehicle in the world, and it was where the road became hard to find. It was what I call Cadbury Snow (don't ask me why, or I shall bore you with the reason...), where the flakes are big and spinney. He was glad to get home. I was passed out cold, naturally. He was in bed by two, I am told...

We are going to haul booty out to go to a party. We would have had a wee snow party here, but we decided to nap, instead.

I'm off to empty Mr. Dog before we go...


Cavalry - Apache

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