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6:11 p.m. - 2009-08-13
I'm so...
elegant! Whilst struggling with the packet of stroopwafels that I simply could NOT get opened, (I used a knife, sissy me) I realised that I was thinking my new fav-o-riffic swear to it. It goes like this. "Well, fuck the fuck out of you!" Paucity of vocabulary, non? ( The long version goes like this --- "Well, fuck the fuck out of you, you fucking fucker fucky fuck!") I know...sigh...

Biba had a Moment this morning. She is overtired and underwatered. Ned sent her back to bed and took half the day to work from home. Three hours of sleep later, Biba was better. It was so sad, though seeing her sitting at the table, miserably weeping. I offered ice cream for breakfast but that didn't work. Yes, I know, terrible parenting. Biba has to eat more, drink more water (she's good on the milk) and get more sleep. Sounds as if we are raising a little ummm...person that stays up late and drinks and gambles etc. What is that word, anyway?

Who put the Ork in Orkplace? I have to do more presentations and go to more meetings. But nothing will take the wind from my sails the way that the Spring of this year did. That was Non Stop Travel.

Speaking of which we are getting ready for more hols. This time to a family camp. There will be swimming and dancing and music and lots of things like that. Plus we are going with friends so that is something.

Now I am meant to be at the spa in less than an hour so I rally ought to sign off. And find my lost discipline that I used to have when I posted every day!


Cavalry - Apache

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