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7:56 p.m. - 2009-07-21
Ooooh look! A minute! A minute! It's mine, I tell you!!!
Mr. Dog has just trotted upstairs to savour this moment of peace. Biba and Ned have gone to where Ned gives a guitar lesson.

Lately it seems as if I haven't got free minute to do anything. I know that it can't be true, but in FifiLand, feeling is believing. Oh, taken out of context, that sounds rahther grand---or obscene, depending on your frame of mind.

Remember the night of thunder the other night? Friday? Or close to it? Well, the Simpsons left their dog out during it again. Last year he was left out and Ned didn't let me bring him over here. Well, this time, I heard him yelling (the dog, not Ned) and realised that we were having a major downpour, more than buckets even, and so I ran to get Mr. Dog's leash, and then I took that dog over here on the deck. Which he promptly wee'd all over but still, I owed that dog a favour and I was glad that I could do it. I had Ned leave a message on their answerphone/voicemail/whatever you call it, and this was in case they decided to get all freaky and sue me for theft. But it turns out that they've been saying "Thank you" for days about it. They do love their dog indeed. At least that is what I am choosing to believe.

Today during my second presentation, I saw a perfect a pearl of saliva go arcing out from my face. DAmn! And I kept talking and talking. My Inner Sane Person was begging for some duct tape to shut my bloody gob already!! But it was well received. This one was on a project that I have been sole-ly in charge of, which is not unusual, but the unusual part is that I really am good at this kind of project.

The GH farm day was today. I got those lovely cherry tomatoes, some celery! hooray, some lettuce, some of those tiny white turnips, and a mixed bunch of beets. I'll make the best beet salad ever tasted. Oh, and flowers! I won't be able to cut any tomorrow as I am hitching home. With a workmate, with a workmate! Ned is taking the car in for repair to the engine mount. He has to take Turgin, then, so I had to warn him about the clicky noise that the brakes make sometimes ever since there were new ones put in. I suppose that I really ought to get that checked, and so I shall. Perhaps even as soon as this weekend.

Lots and lots of Goldfinches this year. At Orkplace, I really think that I saw the female Scarlet Tanager, although there is room for doubt. Bunnies and deer abound these days. It was a very Irish day today,weather-wise...

And now, off to rescue the laundry. Biba packed something incredibly foul-smelling in her backpack and won't say what. So I washed everything. The Verbena washing soap smells absolutely divine!


Cavalry - Apache

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