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8:38 p.m. - 2008-10-05
All a-blither...
Guess who doesn't have anything to say?! Me!

Today I said the "n" word. That's right, you've guessed it, I said "no" in so many words. We were meant to go to a festival, with perhaps later going to an orchard to get apples. Picking them myself wasn't a necessity as Biba doesn't have a strong need to see things through. (THAT will change, Missy!)

At any rate, a good friend ( oh who am I trying to fool, it was my sister) we, we just couldn't connect plans. I just truly really didn't want to deviate from our plans because I am still feeling the allergy thing and I was indeed hoping for nap later. If we had to wait to co-ordinate, well, see we just really aren't good at that and things get all smooshy and cross. And I think that my sister was upset with me but I just had to say metaphorically no, and get on with it. Nice ramble, ain't? ( That is a PA Dutch use of "ain't" in case you were wondering...)

So at the festival, there was my fav-o-riffic Hottt Farmer Dude. He is thee nicest, in fact, Bluey, I'd bet that you and he would connect immediately. But he has a wonderful wife, so...really I wonder how the nicest end up with the nicest. Magic?

At any rate we did go and we did have fun. Then also apples and a nap happened and also I got ready the dinner early. How about that?! (How about THEM apples?!) That is a saying that I have heard.

Also I went to a sale and I think that I might have found a treasure. But in fact a rahther ugly vintage treasure. I have to do a bit of research, then see what is what. Who knows, perhaps I shall indeed turn ebay seller.

The ed. End.

Pee Ess Doesn't seltzer make THEE best burps?


Cavalry - Apache

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