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9:23 p.m. - 2008-08-23
Drankin' Town
Hi! Hihihihiii!

I am having thee best time! So are we all. I have had chowder every day except for today. Somehow, I forgot. We're in St. John's now. I have gotten a sunburn! And now, to list form.

1. Who knew that Biba got seasick?

2. Chowder rules!

3. Biba is in love with Halifax and wants to move there. Can you say "Harbour Hopper"?

4. Antigonish is pretty awesome.

5. We three can all fit easily into one queen sized bed.

6. We stayed at an ex-convent.

7. Newfoundland is so incredibly beautiful that no words could ever do it justice.

8. The weather has been freakishly warm!

9. Gannet chicks are sooo incredibly cute. But the smell of Fish and Guano is a little different.

10. Speaking of fish and...I had Fish and Brewis yesterday! I could eat that for a week.

11. Bluey, your advert that you linked to about the Terra Nova, well, some of the dudes do speak almost exactly like that. Pee Ess that was me reading you from here! Hi!

12. There are some triple-hott dudes here in NL. Whoah!

13. I can't think of a number thirteen.

14. I have had bakeapple, partridgeberry and blueberry jam so far. I simply adore the seeds in a bakeapple!

15. The hills are high here! If you are walking.

16. We are aiming for church tomorrow.

17. Screech rum isn't all that bad. It is like weak Jamaican rum. Which it is.

18. I've had cod tongues. Not bad at all. I had one lobster but I feel bad for the poor sods so that is the only one.

19. Uuhhhhh...OH! I saw whales spouting in the distance from the Argentia ferry.

20. Theee cutest thing in the bird world is a Puffin flying by you! Squeeeee! And what a boat ride! yippeeeeee!

21. I am in love with Petty Harbour.

22. This must be the Big Bazoomie capital of the world.


Cavalry - Apache

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