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6:35 a.m. - 2008-08-11
Goofy and old...
I had meant to write about my goofy ride on my way to and from an errand yesterday evening. We live in a very interesting area.

First I went down through the CBD past all the goofy little shops and all, seeing all the tourists gallivanting about. Then I crossed the little bridge and got a fabu view of the river, with a goofy little tourist sight-seeing boat headed upstream, and kayakers heading downstream.

Then I had to stop to let a goofy old steam train pass. I love how it belches up those big clouds of smoke! Nothing else smells that way. And there is nothing like the sound of the whistle. I can hear it over here across the river and upstrem, quite clearly. I do love that sound. The huffing and puffing of the engine can also be heard over here, but not every time.

I did my errand and then headed back over the big bridge. As I came to the exit ramp, I could see clouds of smoke hanging over the "battlefield" of the farm along the canal. It was Civil War re-enactors having it out. I could hear the cannon fire and gunfire as well. (Spot did NOT have a pleasant weekend in that regard! The cannon fire rattled the windows here and we are quite a bit away.) We are deep in Washington country, but it was indeed Civil War this time.

One never really can tell what sights will be seen at any given moment here.

Oh, Pee Ess Soms, that was hysterically funny! I shall go make myself "fucking lovely" today!


Cavalry - Apache

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