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8:51 p.m. - 2007-10-17
Ya know what Muddling is?!
Well, I can't think of what to say, so it will most likely be a load of blether. Here is a conversation that I witnessed today. B shall be Boy and G shall be girl.

B: "Going to get a bunny today?"
G: "Oh, no, I'm afraid of them!"
B: "Oh..."
G: "All that nibbling, it's ferocious!"
B: Gives a bemused look.
G: "And that nose wiggling, that's how you know they're going in for the kill!"
B: Even more bemused look.
G: "And you know how you lift them up to get that Cadbury egg?"
B: Lifts an eyebrow.
G: "That's no Cadbury egg!"
B: Roars with laughter.

I'll be that he asks her out!

I feel rahther privileged that I can see small bits of other people's lives. I sometimes just people watch for hours, wondering what they are thinking of, who are they dreaming of. What are their dreams, what are their daydreams? What and how do they see themselves as. It's a rich life going on out there.

Ned and I had a rahther kind of long talk tonight. I did stress that I am where I want to be and that the things that I am missing or that have withered, I'll get to when I'm older. He wants so much more but he is so packed full that he can't get to them all. He rahther trusts that Biba and I will still be here, and we shall. Love is strange that way,don't you think?

Well, I just had a long chat with my Mum. A visit will soon happen, and that is a very good thing. My Dad doesn't travel as well as he used to, but he is still at a high level, so I'll just leave that all to them.

I'd say that my stress levels are down now---I was Waaay buggin' today, so I should probably leave on a good note. I do wish that Ned was in early tonight, though, as there are a few things that I'd really like us to do...


Listening to : Crap, that guy that I can't remember, Shawn Mullins (A LOT!), it's escaped me...

Thinking: " Oh, good, another "yes" for Biba's party..."

Overheard : "No, no, gas is a GOOD thing!"

Cavalry - Apache

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