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6:41 a.m. - 2007-05-16
First off, my heart goes out to Mrs. Kennedy Incidentally, she has a link to Jenn which is rather funny. I was having dreams this morning where I was on a team that was saving Mrs. K's brother from angry South African drug or crime lords bent on revenge. (I don't know if she has a brother or not...) The dreams were disturbing, but thankfully, not like real life. I had the ability to know when and where a bomb was going to explode. Came in very handy!

It is hot and sticky here, which is not really what you'd call comfortable, but I keep reminding myself that it is good for the pores. I'm in rahther a Friday mood, but it is only just Wednesday. Tomorrow is Syttende Mai! Are you all reay? It's Constitution Day in Norway! Have you got all your gravlaks? Your rommegrot (Sorry, no characters, 'merican keyboard...) Your spekeskinke?
Actually, I am not what you'd call ready. And also, I have to go get my driving license renewed. I am practicing my drunken expressions even now. After all, that's how I'll look when they pull me over, nicht?


Cavalry - Apache

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