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6:38 a.m. - 2007-04-04
I am SOOOO HUNgry!!!!
Well, who would have guessed that I was in Alphabet City the past few days? You know, the one with a pee, an em, and an ess in it. Everyone, that's who! Ah, will I ever work all these mysteries out? Usually it isn't so bad. At least, not that I can remember. BAH!

Last night was meant to have been a nice, unscheduled night. Actually since the the car died, it was a never ending stream of phone calls, between me doing Everything, and me doing Nothing. Oh all worked out so far, but I would have liked to have had the time off. Thursday I shall not go to the services at the kirky as I am quite certain that I shall freak out in some small, but internally significant way. So there's some Nothing Time.

Ohhh! I'm hungry! That's always a good thing in the morning! Oh, and I am not hung over, nor overhung. Ebay was fun, but I must have been grasping some small thread of sense as I did not even bid on anything. Thing is, I was browsing through the most ridiculous (notice how I've learnt to spell that properly!) things. I was typing random words in the search. Then I got bored. Ah well, it can't always be a ruinous bout of fun and games.

Well, as I am quite certain that I am truly starving yea verily unto death, I shall sign off.


Listening to : A beepy truck

Thinking: How can I be THIS hungry? I am usually barely even concious at this time.

Overheard : "Well, if ya twist it just right, you'll get the ultimate in satisfaction."

Cavalry - Apache

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