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12:01 p.m. - 2012-01-08
Oh, did this cold ever leave me flat on my back...metaphorically. I didn't think that a cold could be so exhausting. No Pliat4s,no yoga...eeek! And I am not even sure of how tomorrow will go.If I miss yet another yoga class, will the world keep spinning?

I made chocolate chip shortbread and also lemon shortbread, sort of like a trial run for Burn's Night. But I might make fernies as well. A LOT of them! If you are in a place where you can just walk into a bakehouse and get meat pies hot and a fernie, well, you are extremely lucky!

All of the Christmas is packed up and put away until the end of this year. Another year of grace. Having Biba around does make me more aware of holidays...Valentine's Day is coming up. And we have a lot more of daylight by that time. But I am in no hurry to rush time by.

SO. I went to take care of the chickens for my sister, and she said to take the eggs that I find. And I am somewhat of a chicken bonehead, although I do adore them. SO, I accidentally bright home the wooden eggs. (They are to give the chickens ideas about laying eggs, like in that it would be a good idea to do that. A visual cue...)

I usually blow my financial wad in January, because of the soldes. Like you know that I bought two Coach bags, but not because of the name, it is because they wear like iron! My beater bag is a Coach and it still looks brill. ANyway so I bought from Wacoal, and also some iPad cases since I have broken one already. And then also I got some Docs. I want some other Docs as well, some floral boots, but they are not on sale, so I will wait. This new pair will bring up the number to 4 that I own. Pair, that is. But I do wear them.

And I dropped of some clothing and bags at the thrift store. Did you ever go shopping at a thrift store? It's brilliant! You can find all sorts of fun clothings and be really thrifty as well.

Well, that is about is for now, as I feel a nap coming on!

Ecks Oh!


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