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9:12 p.m. - 2011-12-20
This just might be a record...
huh huh huh...a broken one!

1. Happy, happy, joy, joy! Don't know why, but I'll take it!

2. I have been anxious about Mr. Dog. He is quite elderly but in fine form. But his legs are starting to give him grief.

3. I always jump to the worst conclusions.

4. It is not so bad. Mr. Dog's vet was in front of me at the holiday show that the children put on today,and she was veree reassuring, and also gave me a few more pointers on how to make things easier for Mr. Dog.

5. I have read "When I reach You" and "First Light"both by Rebecca Stead. They are so wonderful!!! Old Child or Young Adult, but ever so worth it.

6. I think that I need to take in only positive things. There is too much negative being celebrated.

7. Although the Post Secret card said it better, wish me happy anything this season. I'll be glad to wish you happy as well. I can love you just as well no matter if we believe different things.

8. I support your right to your own belief system. Or whatever that is called. I think that it is nothing short of a miracle that so many people can come to so many different ways to think and find happiness and peace.

9. However...(I use the generic "you" in the following...)

10. I fine it veree difficult to have patience with you when you attack others' beliefs, especially when you do it to legitimise your own. It makes you seem bitter and afraid.

11. Lighten up. Really. You can lighten up even when you are dead serious. It is possible!

12. I just needed to say that. I am seeing SO much petty behaviour lately. In public, no less!

13. Having said that, I deffo have hope for peaceful coexistance. Or how about "interlivingness?" That's a word, right?

14. I was totally eavesdropping on a bunch of people who were excitedly comparing their eggnog recipes. All of the tips and hints. It was really fun to hear...enthusiasm can be quite contagious.

15. I took Biba out to shop for Christmas presents for her friends. She was so determined. And she made excellent choices. I helped her out a bit because this is her first year of allowance, and she is still learning about money.

16. Also we were quite noisy and obnoxious in the car. We came to the conclusion that we were glad that we didn't have to ride with us!

17. This is the time of year when I buy pralines Bruxelles. Deffo worth it. I also spend a bit more on charcuterie.

18. Solstice is nigh!

Ecks Oh!


Cavalry - Apache

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