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9:41 p.m. - 2011-10-20
The good, the bad, and the confused...
We'll go "the good" and "the bad" in a sort of List Form, shall we?

Good. The weather has been achingly beautiful, even when it is raining...

Bad. A colleague and friend died. That really suckt.

Good Her funereal was beautiful

Bad. She wasn't having a Welcome Back party. It was a funeral. We will miss her sorely.

Good Well, lots of good vibes and support at Orkplace in the wake of this.

Good Lots of excellent vegetables at the organic farm.

Bad I'll have to miss yoga on Saturday.

Good I 'll be with a million screaming girls, mine included.

Bad It does take time away from badly needed housework

Good I transplanted the big cranberry bush.

Bad I don'think it is going to make it.

Good. It just might surprise me...

Good I took my first Pilates class tonight...

Good I didn't die

Bad It kind of launched my into a round of Poorselfimage.

Good that will pass. And I booked a round of ten more classes.

Bad I have tiny lirtlemT Rex arms...

Good Ned won't take my occasional bouts of doubt seriously. Because they really are a bunch of unnecessary drama. H laughed at "T Rex arms" and asked if they come with claws...

Good I am settling into the Autumn Routine.

Bad The Casa looks as if a bomb has hit it and Biba is having a birthday party on SUnday.

Good At least I didn't forget her birthday!

Good Jupiter is in the sky in the morning and the evening. And there will be some chance of seeing meteors when Mr. Dog and I walk

Good I keep bumping into one of my yoga teachers.

Bad It sort of points out that I am majorly unaware of things because she always sees me and I never see her until she says hello.

Good She always says hello!

Good Even though I seem to be hyperaware of my faults lately, I do actually know that they aren't all that horrible, and that I do actually have some self-discipline...

Well, really, tonnes and tonnes of things have been happening. Lots of changes, mostly all positive. I seem to be a bit time crunched, but that ought to ease up with a bit of organising. Not really a strength of mine, but that which we excercise becomes stronger, eh?

Well, let's all go out there and treasure each other and the time that we have together...

Ecks Oh!


Cavalry - Apache

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