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10:21 p.m. - 2010-09-17
We really are having beautiful weather here! All nice and cool and crisp. Of course we had the very devil of a storm yesterday. And much needed rain. Really most likely not enough to fill the streams, but every drop counts.

Biba and I had a lovely dinner out last night. She adores dressing for dinner. Then we bring books and read through dinner. I had some pumpkin ravioli. It was delicious.

Speaking of pumpkins, because of course that subject is so veree fascinating, I harvested a pumpkin that grew by the side of the house. It is where I sort of let a pumpkin decompose last year, and sure enough, a beautiful vine grew this year. So, those little stalky things on top, how they are connected to the vine, they are really water-filled when you cut them. I felt a bit sorry as the thing was leaking and I realised that I had cut that poor pumpkin away from its food source. Seems so cruel...but I shall still harvest the giant big green ones growing in the Fertile Crescent, which is what I call the part of the back garden where everything and anything will grow.

Also re:pumpkins, I am going to bake a big, lumpy, cooking pumpkin that I got at the organic farm. I want to make a pie, and some bread, and perhaps some soup. Yes, it really is that big!

But first I am doing some volunteer work tomorrow. I got a jump start on it tonight because why ever would any sane person want to kick back and relax?! But I did not overdo it, and stopped at a reasonable time, which is VERee unlike me.


Well, Earl's time with us has ended. A bit sad except that we will (forch) still see him a lot. Also he is probably very happy to get things back to normal routine.

Eh, I ought to stop and got get some sleep.



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