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9:53 p.m. - 2009-04-01
I was thinking about...
...something that Bluey wrote, about substitute worry. I do that. I am doing that now. Sometimes I paint such dire scenes in my mind that I really wonder if I am on the verge of losing my marbles. Perhaps it is somewhat like going to a horror film. The tension is real but the danger is not. I do wish that I would stop it, though. I am making myself a wreck.

I saw some tulips on the tow path today. Yay-hooray! I've been saying that a lot. Oh, no big poissons d'Avril though. I did like gmail's joke. I remember once a few years ago, a Philly tele station announced that the Liberty Bell was in dire shape, but that fortunately, corporate funding for repairs had been found, from the Taco Bell restaurant. The only requirement would be that the Liberty Bell would now be known as the Liberty Taco Bell. Now, of course, you know how I privately call the Liberty Bell.

Hmm...Biba took her woodland cottage to school to show her class. I brought it in because I thought it best to take it right away, since it would be a distraction if I let it stay. All of Biba's classmates are so cute! At any rate, Biba's teacher let us know that she is putting Biba in as a candidate for the Talented and Gifted program. I don't mind either way. Biba is very smart, but she has two somewhat lazy parents, who basically coasted. So that might be a propensity. I'd like her to flourish, though, and learn how to learn better than I did.

That is pretty much it...


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