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9:40 p.m. - 2008-07-21
A whole bunch of words...
You are all the rockin'-est noters and commenters! I can't get over it! And the things that I learn---you are always interesting. Always!

Well, Biba adores her camp. She said "When school starts, I am NOT leavin' this place!" So I said "So you like it a little bit?" and she said "I don't love it, I LOOVEE it!!" She sort of roared out the "love", like Chuck the bear in Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas.

Well, some days I just don't get to whatever I had on my slate. However, I did dare to eat a peach. We went to a farm this Sunday past, my sister, my BIL and I, and I bought blackberries, blueberries, peaches and flowers. I was thinking of using up the old choclate that is lying about here by melting it and dipping in the blueberries. What do you think? Good idea?

I did get to the grill tonight, though! I used a dry rosemary-ginger rub on the chicken and the sausage was fine on its own. There was indeed a breeze so I mixed some Flood Survivors and sat out and read Bon Appetit while things got done. It was sooo worth it!

On the garden front, the grass needs to be cut, but there are renegade squash here and there. I found a renegade pea the other day. Most of the peas, renegade or otherwise, have died out. We had two cherry and one grape tomato tonight. The cherry ones are huge! They are quite delicious! The handful of beans that I had flung are sprouting and growing. I put some handy stakes near for them to climb. Oh, and the orange butterfly garden is starting to bloom. Oh, and have I ever told you all how much I love my hyssop? The bees adore it and I adore watching them all bumble about.

Speaking of Bees, Ms. Bee, I have finally sent the cartes postales. Finally!


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