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10:51 p.m. - 2008-01-18
Almost where I want to be...
Last night I was Just Too Tired to update. Tonight I am Nearly Too Tired. Biba and I had a night out with the girls. (My sister and niece) And a rambunctious puppy. What a wiggler! She's a really pretty dog, though.

This morning when Spot and I were walking, I heard blackbirds, so I looked for them as it sounded quite a large flock. I couldn't find them in any trees nearby---then I looked further up. WHAT a bird cloud they were! At least eight blocks long! They didn't look to be starlings as the tails were too long. Well, it may have been a mixed flock. I just adore seeing bird clouds. Then some geese flew by, murmuring assorted conversational honks. Their undersides were lit ruddy brown by the rising sun. "Twas indeed a beautiful sight to see. Canada geese. NOT Canadian geese. Gerr! They may have lived in Canada and been Canadian indeed, but the goose name remains Canada Goose. yay. I know things.

I got a new Swedish connection today. Or was it yesterday? Ever since my most reliable one sort of...drifted away, I've been scrambling for things. Norwill is good, though. But this one, oooh-eeee! But the shipping has to be yet worked out.

The end.


Cavalry - Apache

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