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9:06 p.m. - 2007-04-26
Nanny, I'm rather tired, tired, tired...
When I got in, after some well-deserved sashaying about, I found that not only had Spot the Wonder Dog taken apart the parlour furnishings but he had also taken out the Meyer Lemon coarse salt and dumped it out onto the kitchen floor. I am thinking of changing his name to "Spot, I Wonder About You, Dog!"

Biba has broken her first beer glass. Don't look at me like that! There was no beer in it, her stash was in it. Yes we are horrible, subversive parents, and we call Biba's chocolate supply her "stash". We keep it in a few beer goblets. Ned's is on the same shelf, tucked into a corner. Mine is here and there. Primarily tucked away in a corner of a cabinet in the kitchen.

Today amongst the small things that I did were as follows. I hung the hummingbird feeders, planted the pansies, fed the birds, and swanned about. Oh, re-seeded the back garden, and inventively used some stone slabs to block off the place where Spot digs awy all the soil. You know, on his way down the back stairs. I am very, very, veryveryvery tired. That is usually when I decide that it's a good idea to stay up late. Tomorrow's easy, though.

I really like this Ben and Jerry's Creme Brulee ice cream. Funny, because I can hardly abide the real thing.

I have to admit, I was a fan of the Trainwrecks site. They really were not all that horrible. But this Heaven Nose, the one that brought about Trainwreck's demise, oh they are simply ghastly. Rude, poisonous, crude, profane, simply odious! None in a good way either! I was going through the Best of Blog award site looking for new reads. Y'know, that's why they were brought to mind. I was going through the Most Obnoxious Blog category. Incidentally, isn't that a lovely word "obnoxious"? Mmmm, "oblivious" as well!

The End


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