
swimmmy - 2011-02-19 18:04:26
I wouldn't say you are being self-righteous at all! Those are all excellent guidelines for child-rearing as well as for just plain basic good-person-ship. Biba seems very well adjusted, intelligent, balanced, and very likely a beautiful child to be a parent to. No, I don't see you blurring the lines between parent and friend. With children, I would say it is important to be both, as long as you are parent first. AND, that is how I see you. I think you are doing just fine! XO :)
Anna - 2011-02-19 21:40:12
Not a trace of self-righteousness, dear Fifi, just good sense and kindness, most especially the 'roll with the punches' part - not that the rest isn't important, but that people often forget this. We WON'T always get what we want and it's best to get your head round this when small, in the comfort of your own home, rather than as a young adult out in the world. Smoochy-smoo-smoo xx
Poolie - 2011-02-20 00:11:48
A friend of mine tried to be best friends with her daughter and is paying dearly for that mistake now. Dearly. She has an entitled little bitch on her hands who bosses her mom around like a slave. Not good. Methinks it's too late in this case.
invisibledon - 2011-02-21 19:01:13
rather cool list and I agree parent first, but do it in a way that they know that you'll listen as a friend would when they need you

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