
invisibledon - 2011-01-06 04:00:18
Hot tea and tequilla helps a cough
swimmmy - 2011-01-06 04:21:49
I agree with hot tea, although I tend to use brandy or rum or brandy AND rum plus a bit of lemon juice. I hope you feel better soon! XO :)
stepfordtart - 2011-01-06 18:58:49
I think I had that cough, too.....especially if you have ever gone COUGHCOUGHCOUGHCOUGHCOUGHCOUGHpeeCOUGHCOUGHohdamnitIpeed. Feel better soon! s x
Bluey - 2011-01-07 12:07:03
Sorry about the cough, Fifs. Love number 4. I won a prize at work and I had to select something from a list of gifts. I picked binoculars so that I can watch birdies! Number 14: so true! XOXO
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