
lumenatrix - 2010-10-31 01:27:18
I've been doing yoga for ten years or so, off and on. Take as long as you need before you move on to the next step. As my yogi says, "In many ways a simple down dog is the hardest pose in all of yoga." It's all about the journey, not the destination, which is what I love about it. At the same time, don't be afraid to give something a bit harder a shot just because. You never know, you may be stronger than you think. If you can't do it, just go back, no harm, no foul. <br> <br>Oh, yes! It was so nice to see our pictures! I now have a face to put with the wonderful, funny, encouraging voice. :)
swimmmy - 2010-10-31 11:57:00
I agree with lumenatrix above, especially that it is about the journey, not the destination, and that carries over into so many other aspects of life. You seem to be taking giant steps!! XOXO :)

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