
swimmmy - 2010-10-28 02:04:04
re: #6 - if I was a ghost and could hang out with humans, I would pick interesting humans to hang out with. #9 - the only possible upside to wearing a T-shirt that said "bad in bed" on it is the remote possibility of sympathy sex. #12 - on the list! That's good! Now just figure out who 1-11 are and help your cause... #14 - holding a grudge is easy, getting over one is hard, but gratifying. #16 - T-storms just signalled their approach; to you by morning! XOXO :)
beanie - 2010-10-28 04:07:03
Re: #14, sorry, swimmy, I disagree. Holding a grudge is a lot of work! It requires one to be angry a lot, and that takes effort!
lumenatrix - 2010-10-28 06:06:07
I so want the Bad in Bed T-shirt you described. I am only superstitious when things aren't going well. Sometimes when they are going <i>too</i> well, but mostly when they are going bad. It's kinda like I think I can fix it somehow by knocking wood or not saying the thing I want out loud or something. Oh! Or if I really, really, really want something I get super superstitious. Holding a grudge is hard. Restoring trust is harder. I can drop the grudge pretty easy, but it takes a lot to get you back into the trust circle.
lumenatrix - 2010-10-28 06:08:01
Apparently line breaks are even harder that holding grudges...
Bluey - 2010-11-03 01:07:25
Numbers 6 and the last one are fabulous!! Anything is possible. ;)

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