
BLuey - 2010-10-13 02:17:18
Oh my goodness...I'd better write fast. I'd like to beat swimmmer to the comment for a change!! :) I totally know what you mean about the whole small changes adding up into a whole lot of something. I think it's about reorienting a boat on it's correct course. Only a small change in degree can send one to a completely different continent! Ciao e baci! :)
Bluey - 2010-10-13 02:18:15
Oops - in my effort to be first I lost track of my grammar. Ahem. On its correct course. I love your pieces, Fifi. They flow in such interesting ways!
swimmmy - 2010-10-13 04:07:19
Ahhhh, Fifi, another episode of "A Day In The Life" - you take the ordinary and make it special! Little steps, mostly in the right direction, and even the occasional misstep gets corrected for the better. Yes, your aim is definitely true! One day, could you please explain Nia? With all the different things out there, like Zumba, etc, I'm afraid I'm lost. XOXO :)
stepfordtart - 2010-10-14 21:09:13
Heehee! When I worked in the floristry industry we also used to say 'just like Elvis Costello' (or words to that effect) but in our case it meant 'I dont want to go to Chelsea' as it would be four days of misery at the biggest flower show in the UK! We had to go every year and have a trade stand and it was grim as grim could be. I wonder if Mr Costello knows how much his songs are used as codewords! s x

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