
swimmmy - 2010-10-10 14:14:27
I like that your musical interests tend to be for stuff kind of outside the norm. Everybody can play guitar and it seems like that's all a lot of people want to play, but to the purist, that's just a starting point. I had a long talk with one of my musician buddies at the benefit the other night and he was explaining the difference in all his various instruments. Very enlightening! Reading you makes me think of the things he was saying, with instruments I've never heard of AND musicians who know how to use them! Have a great time at the garlic farm! XOXO :)
stepfordtart - 2010-10-10 14:42:22
You ARE a rotter, having bought Christmas presents already. I think I shall be scrabbling about like a crazy loon at the very last moment this year (mostly on account of being so very very broke at the mo, and fervently hoping to suddenly come into some money by some fantastical means before it becomes necessary to charge everything to my plastic and worry about it in the new year. Meh.). I did go shopping today but only for bras for Jooj and Treac. Nothing for me (unless kitchen towel counts as 'something for me'). s x
Bluey - 2010-10-12 01:02:13
What a set of adventures!!

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