
swimmmy - 2010-10-07 03:36:27
re: to Be There. You said somewhere - I don't remember exactly where, but it was about "Fifi-time" and I couldn't agree more. Being true to yourself makes everything else work much better. Sometimes, high standards end up meaning sacrificing your own needs and that's not good. But you know that. And, yes, we've all Been There, and now you are reminded about that. We'll always be there for you like you are always there for us! XOXO :)
swimmmy - 2010-10-07 03:42:59
Yeah, I forgot the other thing. Like I always forget my dreams. I know I have them as I occasionally wake up and have a completely clear vision of what I was dreaming about, for about a millisecond, and then it is gone forever. And, yes, Fifi, you are the "Only One Like Me", meaning you. Also meaning, in the most positive way, you are the complete original and I think they accidently broke the mold afterward. Hit it with a bodhran or something.... XOXO :)
Poolie - 2010-10-07 06:23:36
You are a sweetie from the stars! And...I say "Thanksgiving" with the accent on the second syllable.
Bluey - 2010-10-08 16:15:42
I am glad you are feeling better. I know what you mean about sleep. There's a great line from the Desiderata (everything is in there, really): "Many a fear is born of fatigue and loneliness." I know that when I am feeling bad and am also tired, that if I have a sleep I will feel infinitely better. In fact, I've learned that there's no point even analysing why I feel bad when I'm's because I'm tired (about 99% of the time). I don't function well without sleep.
Bluey - 2010-10-08 16:23:43
Oh and I put the accent on the second syllable in Thanksgiving, as well, although I had to think about it. Mais cette fin de semaine tu peux dire � l�Action de Gr�ce �, comme nous, les canadiens et canadiennes!!! Bonne fin de semaine, buon fine settimana...

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