
beanie - 2010-07-27 02:46:14
I LOVE that octopus bracelet, Bobo!
ladyluck92 - 2010-07-27 04:17:54
Yoga is wonderful and also a pain!!! I just have to say I fairly flexible in places and I still kind of suck at it, but am getting better when I actually find the time to do it! But you will get it... the more and more you do it the more your muscles will be able to open up. Keep up the good work!!!
swimmmy - 2010-07-27 04:45:10
First off, your octopus bracelet is veree stylish!! Much more than I imagined it to be! Second, your description of the yoga class brought back memories of an aerobics class I took once. Primarily due to a desire to cross-train, well, ok, primarily due to this blonde, but the cross-training was still a part of it, the class and all the women in it KICKED MY ASS! To make matters worse, the front wall was a mirror, so I could see just how bad I was and how many moves behind them I actually was. They moved left, I was moving right. Really, really bad... Instead of improving my running, I was too sore to move for days... You are completely right about passive aggressiveness in a partnership - it doesn't work. I see that factoring into the notes we tossed to each other this past weekend, and probably will end in the same result. I'm also sorry for your family's losses. You have suffered through too many of them this year, but to end on a positive note, please congratulate Biba on her latest divestiture! XOXO
stepfordtart - 2010-07-27 06:57:31
I admire your pluck - the fear of ginormous farts (mine or other people's) has always put my off trying yoga. That, and those wraparound tops dont really suit me. I probably should try it, tho. It might mellow me out a bit - they should market it as 'exercise for the uptight' then maybe I might feel more like it would be suitable. s x
Anna - 2010-07-27 09:35:17
I'd not heard of Nia but it looks like a thing we have here called 5 Rhythms which I've never managed to do but sounds great. Yoga is not like anything else - don't push too hard, just gently gently up against your limit, no forcing. And no comparing to others, just to yourself previously (yeah, right). xxx
Fifi - 2010-07-27 10:36:58
Awwww, you guys are wonderful! XO!
Bluey - 2010-07-27 12:45:25
I'm really curious to learn about Nia. These days I'm enjoying doing things outside of a class setting, but perhaps I'll change my tune again in future! I'm sorry to hear about Ned's uncle. XX
Ana - 2010-07-27 16:42:11
Dear Fifi, that Nia class looks like lots of fun. I am glad you're interested in such new activities all the time, isn't it wonderful? Good for you. Thanks for your note on your page, by the way. :)

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