
swimmmy - 2010-07-15 03:07:46
Venting is good. It is the adverse of the dreaded Bottling-It-Up which we all know finds its way out in other, more nefarious ways. So, yeah, if venting works, go right ahead! Dland seems like the perfect place to do so. I'm lucky with poison ivy as well. I've been told it is the type of skin that is either conducive or not. Still, Mr Cat will have to pay attention to where he goes if he is going to expect attention. Sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated, quasi-insane self? Wow, can I relate to that!!! I hope you get a good night's sleep!! XO :)
Bluey - 2010-07-15 12:12:57
Smoochies. I wonder if you could ask the neighbour directly to not park in front of your house in two spots, unless absolutely necessary, because it is difficult to carry in packages and so on. I understand what you mean about work. Now, I am in a good patch, but work is variable! Smoochies again!
Ana - 2010-07-15 13:08:56
It's okay, Fifi, to get upset about her putting her car on your property. Just don't let it affect you too much. Maybe you could kindly tell her not to do that, but then there'd be resentment between the two of you. I'm sorry that that happened to you, chica. (((HUGS)))
ladyluck92 - 2010-07-17 15:47:59
I can understand how the lady next door would be irritating. You know you could always make up something like everyone that you know has been getting flat tires by parking out there and maybe she will stop!!!! Ok, it probably won't stop her, but it's worth the little lie if it helps right?? Ok, scratch that and forget I mentioned it. Anyway, you are right venting makes you feel much better... at least for a little while. As for poison ivy, there is this cleanser called Tecnu that works really well to stop the spreading of the oils and it is safe for laundry and pets. Wonderful stuff!!!

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