
beanie - 2010-06-02 04:02:03
You come up with the best words. Ensplotchenate? I'll definitely have to find a way to use that one! BTW, I heard of a great new way to get drunk.. soak sour gummy worms in vodka for a couple hours, and then eat them! I'm going to try that....
swimmmy - 2010-06-02 04:41:25
Do you canoe on the Delaware or do you have smaller waterways close by? We get kicks out of the same type of thing - waterlife critters and serenity. I'm always chasing the Heron around. They are veree skitterish. I enjoy kayak both single and duo. Single is more relaxing, I think, but with the right person, duo can be almost anything, all of which are good. Of course, still that element of individualism with kayaks. I think I am better with kayaks than canoes, but that is mostly dependent on the partner. PeeEss: coming up with tons of Tam Lin variations, some of which I think could actually be you as a bodhran is involved. Just letting my imagination drift a bit, but only because I can easily imagine you playing it. XO :)
Poolie - 2010-06-02 09:30:38
Your story made me think of friendship pins. A flash from the past.
Bluey - 2010-06-02 11:45:05
OH that's too bad about the river being a bit dangerous. I had to laugh about your suntan, to be honest. Ensplotchenate! I love it. I remember sharing gimp friendship bracelets at camp.

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