
Ana - 2010-03-11 02:59:05
You're not boring, Fifi! I think boatload is bigger, but it's not because I'm watching my language. I can't wait til next week, why because it's St. Patrick's OF COURSE. Not that I'm holding my breath for any true liquor.
swimmmy - 2010-03-11 04:34:23
re: Just my various opinions, of course, BUT... I agree with Ana that a boatload is bigger. Also, expectations: the only ones that matter belong to you and yours, the yours being the veree veree closest of people. And: self discipline - the same things that make it necessary can also cause it to be overdone. That's why balancing the ebb and flow of life seems to be more important. And LASTLY, Fifi, you will NEVER be boring!!! BTW, I'm not back yet, but I have an entry or two formulating in the mists between my ears. No timetable, just eventually... XOXO :)
Bluey - 2010-03-11 13:14:45
I don't know how you do it, Fifi. I would go crazy being that busy!! Good luck with the benefit(s)!!

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