
Anna - 2010-02-05 12:20:39
'Bad self'??? Ha, don't believe there can be such a thing, fabulousness (fabulosity?) all the way in Fifiland. Bisous xx
swimmmy - 2010-02-05 14:39:03
Yeah, what Anna said.... Bad Fifi? No such animal!! XO :)
Bluey - 2010-02-05 15:03:13
I love it. I think this all the time (I've been trying to get over my bad self but as I am so fabulous, it is hard!). :) Fifi, I would be interested in knowing what machine you bought...
Poolie - 2010-02-05 15:17:58
Batten the hatches and hold on, mate! You're in for quite a storm!
Fifi - 2010-02-05 21:38:12
Oh, mes cheres, my bad self is by no means the BAD bad, it is more like the "...down with my funky bad self" bad, which is to say, I really do go on about myself forever. Still, they do say "stick to what you know..." heh heh heh now I have "know thyself" jokes rolling about in my head. Bluey, I bought a genome. No, make that a Janome DC2010. Sill in the box, but I'll wager that I will have stories this weekend of it.
Bluey - 2010-02-06 15:10:53
Thanks, Fifi. I have an old one that my mom gave to me, but over Christmas she told me that it probably doesn't work and had I tried it? EEK! So I think I shall have to buy a new one. I will take a look at the model you have bought. Light is good. I was used to working on an old Sing3r, but the one my mom gave me is an old electric one of my gran's. I have dresses to make! :)

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