
Ana - 2010-01-28 04:16:08
Someone else passed away? :( Oh man, I'm sorry Fifi. Funerals are the worst possible thing to attend to on any given day no matter whom we've lost. ..
LadyLuck92 - 2010-01-28 04:38:48
I'm sorry to hear about another loss. Also, sorry about the dry winter weathered skin. I feel your pain on both subjects. I use Mary Kay Extra Emollient Night Cream for face, hands, and feet... the stuff is wonderful. As for grief and sorrow I don't have a suggestion. Not something I deal with easily.
swimmmy - 2010-01-28 04:45:56
Kudos to you for being the DEPENDED ON! It takes a certain strength and I truly believe you are THE ROCK!!! Perhaps that accounts for the strong MY HAPPY, which is always a good thing. You have another funeral? I hope not - death, with or without the dead bodies, is a seriously stressful condition no matter who it has happened to and it seems like you have had too much of that occurring to people you know. You are a strong woman and I know you will carry on and never let anyone down. XO :)
Bluey - 2010-01-28 13:15:04
Sorry to hear about your loss, Fifi. Take care. XOX

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