
swimmmy - 2010-01-06 03:46:12
Fifi, you are as hilarious as ever!! XO :)
Bluey - 2010-01-06 04:09:15
Fifi, That's so cool about the dance class. What kind of dance??? I think I might do some dance this winter as well - deffo in my own kind of rut! :) XO
Fifi - 2010-01-06 11:21:35
Bluey, it is sort of a theraputic type of dance class. I have lost most of the cartilage in my right knee due to riding and skating accidents, so this one works out really well for me as form is not stressed as much as function. Although I'd really like to find a floor barre class again, and even a full hour of regular barre. Wouldn't that be a dream? Or, it might be...tricky! XO!

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