
Ana - 2010-01-05 03:16:44
Secret Tijuana Death Match!!! Oooh! I am going to go find that company now. :)
Miss Hiss - 2010-01-05 03:48:15
A small hint: The trick with relaxing the sphincter is knowing when, where and for how long... Happy New Year, sausage! Love, R xxx
swimmmy - 2010-01-05 04:47:29
Re: I've found that random acts of maturity can be just as disconcerting as the opposite. When I'm the one that is being mature, anyway... List form re's: 3. Yeah, I've hit 2 deer, an owl, and a German Shepard and I feel bad about all of them. It's hard to avoid animals as they are completely unpredictable. 7. Personally, I think projectile vomit is WAY more impressive than copious amounts, which just gets boring. 9. ass car = I think it refers to the driver. 10. Thermostat is set at 60. If I want it warmer, I have to light a candle or take a long hot shower. 12. Fifi, you have to do whatever works... XO :) Great List!!
Anna - 2010-01-05 11:35:35
Thanks for your lil ole big-ass answer to my question. Sorry - that's me practising my murrican. I get cross with that kind of thing on facebook - quite a few ex-pupils have 'friended' me there (mainly gay boys and bad girls) - and I have to sit on my hands to stop myself correcting the spelling on their status updates. Happy new year sweet Fifi xxx
Ana - 2010-01-05 17:26:34
Hahaha, I remember your mentioning of that earlier in the history of your gorgeous-assed blog. :) Aww, your humor is charming.
Ana - 2010-01-05 17:28:24
(I am referring to your dislike of the -assed suffix, of course) :D

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