
swimmmy - 2009-11-22 06:58:05
re: #5. Adverts on weblog? Definitely not on mine. Talking up things I enjoy? Sure, but out and out advertising is not for me. Other people can do what they want. re: #6 & #7. a) Webster's would say "s" instead of the second "c", but I know what you meant anyway. b) Sprouts - I LOVE THEM!!!! Lovely list, once again dear Fifi. Have fun at your party tomorrow. Well, later today. I hope you get a nap, but I know how hard that can be. XO :)
Bluey - 2009-11-22 22:33:51
Oh that's all just too fun and cheery, Fifi! I'm terribly envious!! I'm glad you got the inhaler. In general, I don't like advertisements. I suppose though that some people need to make a living from their blogs, so fair enough. The spelling of "brussels sprouts" is great. I grew up calling them brussel sprouts (and eat them all the time (steamed, with hot mustard)), but I like your spelling just fine.

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