
swimmmy - 2009-10-26 03:59:57
I've been close to your area a bunch of times with trips to Philly, and some not so close - most recently in 2006 when the plan was to head south along the Delaware Water Gap but couldn't get a motel room in Milford and had to head to Scranton instead. And then again last year with the Gettysburg trip, although both areas are still a good 100 miles distant. I liked northern NJ near PA and I think eventually, I'll get back there. The area you described sounds fantastic, too, especially this time of year. I'm glad you made it through your busy time - maybe now you can relax and enjoy more quality time with the family! XO :)
swimmmy - 2009-10-26 04:04:04
We have a bison farm close by here, too - just down the road in Edinboro. Another one to the north in NYS. Last time I was there, they had about 50 buffalo (at the one in Edinboro). Pretty neat - sounds like a nice day for you and Biba! XO :)

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