
Rhonda-Faye - 2009-10-08 03:22:42
Dooce who? (Hey, that's the word on the street...) I generally don't like watching the train wreck of someone's descent into madness (and subsequent obscurity/oblivion) but I just might make an exception for her because she's such a nice person and all. She's LOSING it, big time. (Actually, I've hardly ever read her -- and almost never fininshed an entry -- because she bores me silly and also I loathe people who confuse sarcasm with humour. Being a bully does NOT make you a wit.) Also she really does have the most dreadful taste in, well, everything, really, doesn't she? Completely clueless, the poor darling. Anyway, if I had a rubber chicken handbag, I'd keep eggs in it. The end. x
swimmmy - 2009-10-08 03:47:25
I don't know of Heather and it doesn't look like I'm missing much, but I'm in complete agreement on the commercialism that seems to have infected dland (and other blogs, I presume.) Since when is this a site to sell things? Yet, not only does there seem to be an abundance of dland sites selling ugg boots (and other junk), a good portion of the spam I get is generated through dland. Canadian Pharmacy seems to be the main culprit. Bastards. No, I don't want your product OR your emails. No, I can't unsubscribe or get rid of you. Please just go away.... Not too much irritates me, but unwanted junk does. I hope you are feeling better SOON!! XO :)
Anna - 2009-10-08 08:17:50
Bluey - 2009-10-08 19:57:59
Feefs, I hope your headache is better. I have no idea who you are talking about. :) I'm at work so I won't click on the link!! XO
Bluey - 2009-10-08 22:55:41
Fifi, re. the handbag...NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ;)

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