
Bluey - 2009-09-18 02:07:20
Do you know, pesto is one of my very favourite things. I just love it. Last night at the food bank there actually was a jar of it and I was laughing to myself a bit because we always have a debate over what box different stuff should go in. To me, pesto is pasta sauce. Others thought it should be a condiment. Really, how silly...Fifi, I find the red hair green eyes thing interesting. Red hair is my absolute favourite. It is so beautiful. Red hair with green eyes is exquisite. I wonder why your doc says what she says? I did read of a study recently that said that red-haired people actually feel more pain/have a lower pain threshold than other people. S'pose it could be a related factoid.
Fifi - 2009-09-18 02:32:39
Pesto is both! I think that she says it because she loves me. Or maybe it is limited conversational skills. She is theee best doctor, though! I think that that factoid is not true. I need less of everything because they affect me more strongly. I have a freakishly high pain threshold. Also, I don't know if I have written about it, but I recently found out that I had actually broken my back some years ago, (riding accident) but I had never actually thought much of it, beyond the "That really hurts a bit, dunnuit?" bit. I break every rule, anyway!
beanie - 2009-09-18 02:40:57
Gee, I dreamed there were clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee!
swimmmy - 2009-09-18 03:42:53
I think your doctor's comments may have been based on genetics. I've never heard anything about green eyes or red hair, but I know that brown eyes are genetically dominant over blue and maybe that also applies to red hair/green eyes. And, for what it's worth, even though you STILL aren't specifically saying whether this applies to you or not, I always imagined that you had dark hair and eyes. Not sure why, but I'm betting your mysterious side will be amused.... XO :) OK, has Ned ever HEARD Donna the Buffalo? They do play in your area every once in a while.
Bluey - 2009-09-19 02:24:19
Fifi, I must admit that I never imagined you as a redhead, either! LUcky you! I CANNOT believe that you did not notice a broken back. :) Oh of course - I use pesto for snacks on bread and other things as well. But at the food bank condiments usually are mustard, ketchup and pickles. :)

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