
MFV - 2009-05-07 22:46:36
Hi there! I suspect that canoes are stored in a shed (if dry) or a boathouse (if you paddle right in). There doesn't seem to be such a word as canoery, or paddlery... based on my (admittedly brief) internet searching. Do you really need to 'grow a backbone'? I doubt that... just play a little more hard-to-get. If 'no' seems to be hard to say, try being non-committal? But I've always enjoyed being cantankerous, so what do I know? Jxx
Poolie - 2009-05-08 00:41:01
Nothing wrong with cobwebs in the kitchen! I have them my shower!
Bluey - 2009-05-08 00:42:02
I must admit that I don't know the name for a canoe house. We just have and call it a rack! My stepfather will know - I'll ask him! There is a canoe museum rather near to where I live (in another town, but four hours by car seems near to a Canuck!). Berry interesting!
Fifi - 2009-05-08 01:14:36
That's it exactly! "Rack" is the word that I was looking for! Thank you! /F
swimmmy - 2009-05-08 04:22:03
For what it's worth, I park my kayak in my dining room, but I'm sure that doesn't answer your question... Good luck with your Mother and best of wishes concerning your Dad. Ultimately, you do what you think you have to do, whether it's to keep your sanity, or keep the peace, or maintain whatever you have to maintain. I feel for you and hope everything turns out alright. XOXO

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