
swimmmy - 2009-02-15 05:14:39
re: language changes. It isn't that I don't like your idea, I do, except I think it's WAY too polite. My alternative would be that as soon as someone says "I think you need to..." one of those rope things gets them by the ankle and jerks them up into the air. Maybe a net would be better, but either way, I'm betting people would start minding their own business instead of thinking they know everything about someone else and what THEY should be doing... :)
swimmmy - 2009-02-15 05:21:36
Oh, Fifi, thanks for the heads up on those beers. I like trying different beers, like microbrews, indigenous to a particular area and those are two I've never heard of before. I'll have to try them the next time I'm in Philly. Sounds like you had a pretty full day! :)
Dana - 2009-02-15 15:03:05
Oh, you were in my city! Sounds like you had a good time. I'm pretty sure that the City Tavern does try to use the same recipes & prepare food in the same way they did back when George Washington ate there.
Bluey - 2009-02-15 15:47:17
C. and I went to the City Tav3rn when we were in Philly. I wonder if we sat at the same table as you guys!?!?! Fun! Glad you had a great day and a happy belated VD to you, too.
Bluey - 2009-02-16 01:53:58
PS It behooves me to tell you that you are FAB!

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