
swimmy - 2009-01-31 14:56:31
re: not living up to... You don't have to live up to anything. Simply being what and who you are is BY FAR good enough! Don't let anyone tell you differently. :)
Poolie - 2009-01-31 15:15:49
You are what you are and it is what it is. And that is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Breathe, grasshopper. Breathe.
Bluey - 2009-01-31 18:07:29
Fifi, You are FAAAAAAAAAAAHHHBULOUS just the way you are. This is coming from a purple frog in the midst of a sea of green ones. I am about half in agreement with what you said yesterday. My gut instinct is the same as yours. I mean, I really struggle with the whole children thing. As a woman without children, I feel sometimes as though people are talking down to me as a lesser being. It takes all of my will not to say to them, "It doesn't take any special talent for most people to get pregnant. Stop being so full of yourselves. I could go out and find some awful man and have a baby just to have one, just like a whole bunch of women out there." A whole lot of people do things for a whole lot of reasons when it comes to fertility, most of which I don't agree with *for myself*. The whole damn thing is incredibly complicated. I mean, as a single person in a relatively high tax bracket, I'm doling out a huge chunk of my income to pay for people who have children to receive subsidized day care, child tax credits, benefit handouts (higher tax credits accrue ot the rich; higher benefits to the poor, so both benefit from my tax dollars because they elected to pop out children). I'm also paying for the schooling and health care for these chidren. In theory, these children will become members of the labour force and will support the health care and other systems that I will in theory need when I retire, but in fact I'll still in retirement have a high enough income to be one who will be a net loser in the system. There are many people I WISH would not have children, particularly so MANY children, for these and other more important reasons (among them that they are incapable of raising emotionally, physically and psychologically healthy chilren). But it gets really dodgy when you start deciding who should be ABLE to have access to particular services that are available to some.
Mel - 2009-01-31 23:53:46
I don't imagine you need to live up to what anyone else wants you to be, except possibly your child... You are the best you that you can be. Who could wish for anything more? Love ya! Don't fret 'cause we don't all agree and some get snippy, I don't think anyone is sniping at you (I know I'm not).

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