
Bluey - 2009-01-30 14:23:35
I kind of agree with you, and I doubt that I would ever have fertility treatments (I even think that I am approaching too old to be a parent), but I'm not sure I can completely conclude that only people without kids or with few kids should be able to get fertility treatments. Not sure. Certainly, this woman can't have expected to have had eight more. :) I know what you mean about large families though. My great grandparents were from families of 14 and 17, but they were on the farm. :) PS YOu would love Anne Enright in the Gathering, I believe (I heard her interviewed) in which she talks about the resentment a character feels for her mother after the umpteenth baby is born, "I can't help resenting her...for all that sex. All of that bloody humping..."
Poolie - 2009-01-30 15:21:15
I feel exactly the same way. When I heard about the other children she already had, I almost flipped! Flipped, I say!
Mel - 2009-01-30 19:25:46
I don't know anything about the situation (the only thing I know is what others have said, I didn't read about it in the news) but as a mother of six, I can easily imagine situations which would make me want to have another baby, even to have fertility treatments. If something happened to one of the ones I have is one that clearly comes to mind. As far as over-population goes, I was used to say (back before I had more than one child) that I was going to have two and adopt the rest because I wanted a large family. Well, Hashem had other plans, but I am not crushed. I also had around me more than four women who were unable to have children (or chose not to), and have known of more than six babies of people I knew or was close to that died. I think my 'extra' four are more than accounted for. Since most people *don't* want large families, it is easy to take the attitude that there is something 'wrong' with those that do... However, and thank goodness, we are not all meant to be alike. And, I did (and will again) live on a farm. Not that that is the reason for my large family, unless you choose to think that both wanting lots of kids and wanting to farm are somehow connected.
Poo - 2009-01-30 20:24:40
You know, with already having six kids... what makes a woman want even one more?? I think they should prescribe her some crazy pills! Really though, to each their own, but I personally think it's ridiculous. From the looks of it the family will not be able to afford it which means the tax payers will pick up the tab for these children. I only have one, why must I pay for everyone else's?? And thanks for the well wishes too Fifi. :-)

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