
Mel - 2009-01-22 02:33:14
Of course rum is a comfort food! If you find it comforting. ;-)
Poolie - 2009-01-22 02:50:36
Rum counts as every food group. Remember that, ye scallywag!
Bluey - 2009-01-22 14:07:44
Ah...rum. When I was a little girl my grandfather gave me a kilt with the tartan of our family that he had ordered from Scotland, so I think mine's blue (hunting or no - I have no idea!?). It's funny though because I've never again seen it anywhere and my name is pretty common. Hmmm..
Desdemonia - 2009-01-22 14:52:35
Rum doesn't only count, it is THE best comfort food

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