
Ana - 2008-11-13 02:53:37
You tell 'em, Fifi. I am surprised at the conservative way that the proposition went, too... [The Bette Davis part made me laugh, though! ]
swim - 2008-11-13 03:24:56
This is just to throw a different curve ball at the same target: In my line of work, we continuously run into examples of the so-called proper parental unit, i.e., bio-parents, foster parents, close family guardians, etc. who have done horrific abusive things to children, both theirs and those placed in their care, many of whom end up with us. So much for the established "proper" role model. It seems like giant leaps forward are often followed by regressive thinking. I have to resign myself to thinking that no, Rome wasn't built in a day and little by little, despite the setbacks, we are still making progress. Your anger is justified.
beanie - 2008-11-13 03:33:44
Oh, yes, definitely breathlessly and angrily read. I so agree with you, except it doesn't make me want to start smoking.... and I agree, lots of kids have been abused in so-called "normal" families.
Anna - 2008-11-13 09:21:38
Zut alors! I'm with you on all that, except I almost lit another cigarette and I'm mistaken for Bette Davis on a daily basis xxx
Bluey - 2008-11-13 16:12:26
I couldn't agree more. I get so hot under the collar over the gay marriage issue. I just don't get how people can be so stupid and bigoted.
poo - 2008-11-13 18:55:04
I concur!! With all the children out there who need good homes why should some narrow minded person keep them from one just because those in power are homophobic? How selfish!

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