
boxx9000 - 2008-09-08 00:25:09
I LOVE all your pictures today! YIKES! That is a HUGE fish! Migraines???? I finally outgrew them when I ran out of hormones. The only other time in my life when I did NOT have them was when I was pregnant, Definitely hormonal with me. (and red wine, and aged cheese, and processed meats, and stress, and dehydration) I hope you feel better soon. Headaches are the WORST pain (other than dental pain)
Bluey - 2008-09-08 00:59:42
Fifi, I'm sorry about your headache. I have a big one, too, and it feels as if my sinuses are blocked and so I am very dozey. I hope that you feel better soon. You know, hungryghost mentioned to me the other day that her migraines ceased or improved when she finally stopped drinking coffee. I'm thinking of trying to cleanse my body in this way. THANKS for posting the pics - they're lovely. :) Feel better!

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